Saturday, September 17, 2011

Entry 3

I Know the Truth, So Don’t Bother Me With Facts

     Nowadays, not only media but people itself can use its power to make foolish to others as always. In the passage “I Know the Truth, So Don’t Bother Me with Facts” from Jeffrey Kluger,  humans have been easily surrounded by rumors and gossip since long time ago. All that need is a bit of exclamation like the rumor about building a mosque at Ground Zero in Downtown Manhattan.  Kluger mentions a recent research at Ohio State University to determine how easy people believe in a rumor. The new study done it by R. Kelly Garret and Erik Nisbet  on 750 people, showed that they were aware of the rumor about Ground Zero and then they were set in order to determine if they would change their minds, once they were aware of the truth. However,  less than the third of people showed  a probability to change their minds. Garrett said that the result s of a lot data shows that people are so attached to their beliefs  that brings them in contradiction with their prejudices. People seem to be confuse and scare when either they religious belifes are involved or they surrender by their fantasies. 

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