“Happy Meals”
In the passage “Happy Meals” extracted from In Defense of Food by Michael Polland the author gives a list of eight suggestions in order to have better habits of eating and to be healthier. As for me and family these suggestions would be easy or difficult to follow depending on who’s cooking. Nowadays, people prefer to buy fast food instead of cooking.
“Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.” I believe this is the most useful, and it is all that I need to know if I want to eat healthy since my grandma followed the rest of the suggestions without knowing. My grandma used to cook vegetables everyday and if someone asked her what she was cooking, she would respond “meat” but in the pot wasn’t more than “beans”. The author mention that grandmas won’t recognize food such as Go-Gurt, so in the case of my grandma if someone offered her yogurt, she would say “No thank you, how am I going to eat something that I can’t pronounce” Therefore, I take this suggestion as the most useful and easy to follow.
“Don’t eat anything incapable of rotting.” The most difficult suggestion to follow since I love junk food such as chips, chocolates, muffins and of course “Twinkies”. I’ve tried not to eat them especially because I gained a lot of weight, but sugar is my weakness.
“Avoid food products that make health claims.” This one I follow all the time because everything that contains preservatives is fake, and it doesn’t really helps. However, for my family it will be difficult because they believe in everything that some products say. For example, they use to buy Honey Nuts Cheerios because they said that it lows the cholesterol until was announced in the news that wasn’t truth.
“Shop in the peripheries of the supermarket and stay out of the middle.” We only go for sugar. [at least nothing else]
“Pay more, eat less.” This one has a good and bad side because the good side would be if you paying good for high quality food such as organic food which also makes people eat less meat because of the prices. However, not everyone can afford like some members of my family. In addition, we don’t know any place that sells this type of food that is close to our house.
“Cook. If you can, plant a garden. Eat complete meals, at a table, if possible not alone. Eat slowly” I believe that I’ll change a little bit this suggestion by adding “Accept that you have to cook” Once I do that the rest would be easier and I consider that that is one of the main reason for people to go to McDonal’s, Chinese restaurant, Mexican tacos or any fast food restaurant because we don’t like to cook. On the other hand we do plant a garden produce at home every spring-summer season because everyone in the family like it. I agree with author about to eat at the table and not alone because if we do that we automatically eat slow and we don’t eat a lot just the enough ration.
These suggestions are very useful yet I continue believing that the first one is the only one I need because by following my grandma I will vegetables, I’ll plant a garden, I’ll eat at the table, I’ll cook and I won’t eat junk food.
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