I have chosen blog entries 4, 11, and 15 because they show how my vision about reality was at the beginning of the course, how it is now and what I have experienced from it. In blog entry 4 part 2 the class was asked to describe it place in cave in compare with “The Allegory of the Cave” from book 7 of The Republic by Plato. I describe myself as getting out of the cave which means stopping being ignorant, arguing that I’m getting educated in college. However, I have realize that I’m far away from it because through the course I have learned that I didn’t even know what I’ve been eating. Also that media is more than television is actually everywhere and that to go school is not enough to aware of what is happening around us. Then Blog Entry 11, in “Does Knowledge Make You Happier” which I consider my best writing and on what I started to understand what both reality and CATW were about. Therefore, I went a bit farther using my own reasons, even though it took me about 4 hours to finish that assignment. Lastly, Blog Entry 15 “Manufactured Demand” on what we were supposed to give a suggestion or solution that we were able to do in order to stop the myth about “the bottle of water” because most of people believe that bottled water is cleaner and the bottles are recycled when in reality none of those beliefs are true. In my response I wrote that I had a sort of a solution that included my friends and Facebook, but it wasn’t easy. I tried by doing what I wrote, but my friends and also my friends on Facebook completely ignored it. They pretended to be listening, but they took it as boring stuff to hear or to continue telling it to others. That situation brought me back to “The Allegory of the Cave” where Socrates tells to Glaucon to imagine if the prisoner were put it back to cave; the other prisoner would see him as crazy that they would end killing him. It also reminds me the passage of “I know the Truth, SoDon’t Bother Me with Facts” because both readings show the difficulty to make people believe the truth even when faced with facts. It seems that people don’t care about our environment which is the same as no to care about ourselves and it seems that we don’t want to face reality where other people are suffering because our unconsciousness while others, called media governments and investors are taking advantage of it. Therefore, if I were asked about my place in the cave again, I would say that I’m still in it, and someone has broken my chains, but I’m still trying and hoping to reach the stairs one day since unfortunately a red pill doesn’t exist or there isn’t a white rabbit to follow in order to reach freedom to reality.
Definitely, this class was completely different from others because I had never had to write on blog online. Usually the writings of other classes had to be typing it or writing by hand, and my closest experience online was to do grammar exercises online that are similar to “free rice.” But it was good because it made me work harder since I knew that is a public blog and every one can see it. Also I was able to see my improvement through the course and it was easy instead of having a battle between me and a bunch of papers. I could take a look on my classmates’ blog when assigned or when I needed to get an idea of what to do which it was very helpful, and I hope that somebody did the same with my beside the assigned activities.
I believe that the main lesson from this class is to think deeply, to go farther, to look all around us, to catch every detail and no to believe in everything, so our critical response and academic writing would be better. Moreover, not only our academic life would improve but also our daily life. On the other hand, I don’t know if there’s something more that we should have covered because I’ve been busy with all the assignments, but I can say that I get the basic understanding academic writing. The most memorable moment about this class was when I started to think on this last reflection and the response on “My Place in the Cave”… I felt so stupid, so ignorant… And every single response came to mind, but the good news is that now I know my reality… hope so! My recommendation to any other student would be to be ready for “tumbling down in the rabbit hole.”